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Συνέντευξη Jony Ive (Vanity Fair's New Establishment Summit)

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#1   iPhoneHellas


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Δημοσίευση 10/10/2014 - 13:26

Ο Jony Ive αναφέρεται στα μαθήματα ζωής που έλαβε από τον Steve Jobs (Vanity Fair Summit)

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#2   iPhoneHellas


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Δημοσίευση 10/10/2014 - 13:33

Το businessinsider έχει ολόκληρη την χθεσινή συνέντευξη του Jony Ive, στο Vanity Fair's New Establishment Summit στο San Francisco:



7:36 PM
What are the upsides and downsides of being Jony Ive?
Jony: Spending too much time with myself is the downside. Upside is having a great design team. No one has voluntarily left.

7:36 PM
How big is the design team?
Jony: Actually very small, 16 or 17 of us. It's grown steadily over the last 15 years. We've worked hard to keep it small.

7:38 PM
What's your typical day like?
Jony: One of the advantages of being part of a design team that's been around for a long time is we've had the luxury to develop our process. We meet three or four times a week.
The designers gather around the same kind of tablets you see in Apple Stores. We stand around those tables...and we draw.

7:40 PM
Jony: Ideas don't really come along until we have a physical object from our drawings.
"It really galvanizes and focuses our team."

7:41 PM
Can you remember a "eureka moment" in one of those design meetings?
Jony: The phone that we just launched...there's a special moment when there's an object you can touch, and everything just shifts. I remain surprised and thrilled every time you get that first model.

7:42 PM
Why did you go back to rounded edges on the iPhone?
Jony: Years ago we made prototypes with bigger screens. They were interesting features having a bigger screen, but the end result was a lousy product because they were clunky like a lot of competitors' phones are still. Years ago we realized this is going to be important that we have larger screens but we need to do a lot of things to make it a compelling product.

7:42 PM
Jony: The rounded edges on the iPhone 6 was necessary to make it feel less wide.

7:44 PM
When did it happen that you could send out something so complex like the iPhone without instructions?
Jony: That's what we try to do. I think for a lot of us, a large display that you can directly touch, seemed obvious and natural. It wasn't the case 9 years ago when we were first working on it.
If it was inevitable and obvious we would've done it years ago.

7:46 PM
Jony: There wasn't one person who wasn't completely captivated with using a touchscreen phone.
For years before, buttons and displays were too small. But that was because they had to share the same space. We found we didn't have to compromise both. With a larger display we could have buttons that were contextual.

7:49 PM
What was the first Apple product you used before joining Apple?
Jony: In art school. The computers colleges had were terrible. I assumed the problems were with me.
When you eat something that's bad, you assume the food is bad. But when you use a bad product, you assume it's you.
In art school I used the Mac. There were some shocking things. For the first time in my life, I had a very clear sense of the people who had gotten together to design and make that product. I realized there are stuff that we do that attest to our values. From that point, I developed a real interest about these group of guys in California that made a computer that you could change the noises. I was absolutely intrigued by that. I wanted to find out who did this.

7:50 PM
Why did you want to be an industrial designer and not an artist or other designer?
Jony: It was the only thing I could do. There's a sense of service. We make tools for each other.

7:51 PM
What did you think was well designed as a kid?
Jony: Braun food mixer...I was shocked at the interest in this object and how well it was made and how beautiful it was. I didn't know what it did, but I assume it did it very well.

7:54 PM
Ive is talking about how he won a design contest for a phone he designed decades ago. The thing looks really weird. It had a microphone that you held in front of your face.

7:55 PM
What happened when you first came to California?
Jony: I was sponsored through college...I just wanted to meet people. People were so kind and patience. And I lugged that stupid model phone around with me.

7:55 PM
Were you turned down for a job?
Jony: I wasn't working for a job. Some tried to persuade me to stay. Everyone I asked to meet with me did.

7:57 PM
How did you end up at Apple?
Jony: I met the guys at Apple and then went back to London and did my own designs. Apple went on a big world tour to find a designer and chose me. I had two commissions: One to work with Apple on the PowerBook. The other was working in ceramics for an English company to design bathroom hardware. The contrast between the two projects was fantastic. Then I decided to come out with Apple.

7:58 PM
You were designing the outsides of machines?
Jony: I think if you're doing a good job you can't just pay attention to the outside. You're designing the internal architecture.

8:01 PM
Here's the first phone Ive designed.


Συνημμένο αρχείο  jony-ive-first-phone.jpg   58,33KB   19 λήψεις


8:02 PM
What was the biggest "what if" challenge when designing?
Jony: Touch was odd. There were many times we almost gave up. We didn't know it was going to work.
On the Apple Watch, there were many technologies that started with the "what if" and "how do we do this?"

8:05 PM
Talk about designing the watch.
Jony: Always been interested in watches. At first watches were designed before pockets were invented, so they were hung around necks. Then the pocketwatch happened. There were watches worn on fingers in the 17th century.
For reasons of function, for reasons of utility, it ended up on the wrist. And you'll notice it stayed there for over 100 years. It has now an historical gravitas. It's a really great place to be able to glance quickly at information.
When we started working on it, it seemed like a natural place for technology to end up.

8:09 PM
Lessons working with Steve Jobs?
Jony: Focus. Steve was the most focused person I've met in my life. It's terrifying that when you really truly focus, it seems a bit illegal. You can achieve so much. Steve would say "How many things have you said no to?" And I would have these sacrificial things...and he knew that I wasn't interested in doing those things anyway. What focus means is saying no with every bone in your body to something you know is a good idea but you say no because you're focused on something else.
I remember talking to Steve Jobs and asked why he was perceived as harsh. And I said couldn't we be more moderate? And he said why? And I said because I care about the team. And he said: "No Jony, you're just really vain. You just want people to like you. I'm surprised at you, because I thought you really held the work up as the most important and not how you are perceived by people."
People misunderstand Steve because he was so focused.

8:12 PM
Questions coming from the audience...


8:13 PM
What do you think of Xiaomi, the Chinese startup often criticized for copying Apple designs?
Jony: There is a danger...I don't see it as flattery. I see it as theft. (Talking about copying desings in general). When you're doing something for the first time and you don't know it's going to work. I have to be honest the last thing I think is "Oh, that is flattering. All those weekends I could've been home with my family...I think it's theft and lazy. I don't think it's OK at all."

8:15 PM
How do you balance functionality and design?
Jony: A beautiful product that doesn't work is ugly. The best things we've done are harmonious. I think design is the whole thing. Beauty is in that it works.

8:17 PM
What designs do you enjoy?
Jony: Hard question. I'm very critical. I believe that we sense when there's been care taken with a product.

8:20 PM
Do you see yourself moving beyond consumer electronics?
Jony: I do see the watch as a move away from consumer electronics.

8:20 PM
That's it! The discussion is over.

Behind the Scenes...

#3   iPhoneHellas


    iPH Admin

  • 640.961 μηνύματα
  • Twitter:@iphonehellas
  • Φύλο: Άντρας
  • Κινητό: iPhone 6 Plus
  • Tablet:iPad 3 +4G
  • GameCenter:iPhoneHellas

Δημοσίευση 20/10/2014 - 10:03

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