Προσφάτως δημοσιεύτηκε ένα άρθρο στο AppleIndsider όπου αναφέρθηκαν πολλές πληροφορίες για την στρατηγική την οποία θα ακολουθήσει η Apple σχετικά με το AppStore (τιμολογιακή πολιτική, διαθεσιμότητα & διαχείρηση των εφαρμογών από τους developers) αλλά δυστυχώς μόλις εντοπίστηκε από την Apple αποσύρθηκε. Εκτός από το άρθρο αποσύρθηκαν και ΟΛΕΣ οι φωτογραφίες οι οποίες έδειχναν την λειτουργία του Appstore.
Το iPhoneHellas το έσωσε και σας το παρουσίαζει! Ιδού ολόκληρο το άρθρο του AppleInsider και οι επίμαχες φωτογραφίες του Appstore:
People familiar with the matter say that apps uploaded to the Apple-run service via iTunes Connect have been given an absolute file size limit of 2GB that may prevent some developers from producing software with very large, integrated data sets. Apple doesn’t say whether the limit is technical or for other reasons.
A web-based portal lets developers manage a large number of business and store presentation elements. It also lets these creators set the compatibility of the app with the iPod touch, the global regions where program should be distributed, and even game content ratings that roughly match American and European standards, warning parents of particularly sexual or violent content during play.
Apple will refuse to sell games which would merit an “adult” rating, those knowledgeable of the company’s policies say.
Importantly, pricing is described as a tiered system rather than an arbitrary price point chosen by the producer. Those who want to charge for apps can ask users to pay as little as 99 cents at the US store up to a maximum of $999.99; each tier moves the price up by increments from between $1 to $100 depending on the relative price difference.
When customers will have their own turn at the App Store isn’t clear from the information Apple is sending out. The company has officially stated “early July.” However, those familiar with the App Store submission process say a ’sell-on date’ option included as part of the application submission process currently defaults to July 11th, the same day as the iPhone 3G first goes on sale. Others who’ve spoken directly to Apple about the launch date have also been told July 11th.
Here’s a picture of an app at sale on the AppStore:
[Via AppleInsider]
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