Η ημέρα της ανακοίνωσης του iPhone 3G πλησιάζει και οι φήμες οργιάζουν! Ας δούμε τις εξελίξεις των τελευταίων ωρών:

iPhone Atlas: Σύμφωνα με πληροφορίες μέσα από την Vodafone, το iPhone 3G έχει τα εξής χαρακτηριστικά:
- The back is gloss black.
- All are running v2.0 firmware.
- The bootloader hardware exploit is now fixed.
- The phone is running V 04.41.01 modem software.
- The phone is locked down like no phone has ever been. At this stage, you can’t jailbreak it and you can’t hardware unlock it.
- There is an added icon for contacts. This allows you to go straight to your contacts without having to hit the Phone icon first.
- The GPS works very well. It will attempt to obtain your position via WiFi first, cell tower second, then satellite third. The accuracy appears to be within 3 meters.
- We were getting a data transfer of 140kbps on average. It droped down to 70 kbps when we went inside.
- Apart from that, the “feel” is much the same. The phone is smaller (I would say 20 percent) and it is noticeable when you pick the unit up.
- Infineon PMB6952 / S-GOLD3 six-band UMTS / HSDPA transceiver
- Murata LMRX3JCA-479 tri-band amplifier
- Sony SP9T antenna switch for GSM / UMTS dual mode
- ARM 1176JZF-S – Main CPU (same as in 1st gen iPhone)
- Skyworks 77427 chip – UMTS / HSDPA tx 1900MHz, rx 2100MHz
- Skyworks 77414 chip – UMTS / HSDPA 1900MHz
- Skyworks 77413 chip – UMTS / HSDPA 850MHz
- Internal build model number: n82ap (1st gen iPhone was model m68ap)
- UMTS Power Saving option – on or off
- Hooks for Global Locate Library (GLL), software that handles A-GPS related commands for the host processor
- Our source who played with the 3G iPhone told us explicitly there is no front-facing videoconferencing camera.
- Even still, when we were ferreting around the new 3G iPhone firmware today, we were keeping an eye out for altered or additional camera drivers, something to indicate a front-facing camera. Nothing.
- The text explanation for Exchange and iChat are so bad as to make the whole thing unbelievable.
- Say, wouldn’t that exchange logo be in the Apple banner that’s up at the Moscone right now? All the other iPhone icons are.
- No Apple design would be laid out the way this guy’s got his page laid out here.
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1 Comment
Guys those iphone images are fake and ill give you reasons why:
#1. Check the crunchgear photos and look at all of them. THEY ARE ALL OPEN IN PHOTOSHOP (Should i even bother explaining further?)
#2. The red iphone has no sleep/power button
#3. Look at the images at crunchgear. They have one thats a close up of the back of the phones. The red phone has a back dock connector, but the black one doesnt
#5. This is one of many sets of fake iphone images, don’t believe them. Remember to look at images closely before you get excited.